A new frontier:
Composable data systems

Building data systems is hard: it is expensive, sucks up resources, and few experts are capable of designing and implementing them. But the tides are shifting. Instead of coding from scratch, the pieces are now in place to build by composing first.

In this chapter, we share some of the history behind the design of composable data systems: how it started, what it took, and where we are today. We define the key layers of a data system, and how they can be composed by reusing open source software components and building on top of open standards.

So, what are composable data systems? Keep reading below.

Chapter 00

A new frontier:
Composable data systems

Estimated Read Time:
14 minutes

  • Composability
  • Standards
  • Modules

  • Modular
  • Interoperable
  • Customizable
  • Extensible
  • Data Systems